Wednesday 3 May 2017

Finding a Decent Catering Equipment Supplier a Three Step-Model

Finding a decent supplier for your catering equipment can be difficult, but it’s essential that you get it right if you want your restaurant to run as efficiently and profitably as possible. Below, you will find our three-step model to help you find the right supplier for your needs.

Step 1: Work Out Exactly What You Need
Do you need to buy a particularly specialised piece of equipment? If so, you will need to find a supplier who can design and manufacture that piece of equipment.

Do you need to buy many different items? In which case, you need to choose catering equipment suppliers that offer a large range of products.

Do you want to use a supplier that also provides an installation service? If so, you need to find a supplier that can do so.

Once you have worked out which type of supplier you need, you can then find suitable supplier.

Step 2: Finding Suitable Suppliers

The best place to find a supplier is from other people who use that supplier. So, if you work in the restaurant industry, your best bet in finding a supplier is to ask other restaurant owners.

If you have good relationships with local restaurants, you can ask them who they use. However, if the local restaurant trade is particular competitive, they may be reluctant to provide you with names. If this is the case, join a few networking groups. Networking groups exist specifically for the reason of selling goods and finding suppliers.

If neither of these works, then try contacting restaurants that are further afield and that offer a similar menu. You are not their direct competitors, so they should be more than happy to provide you with details.

Step 3: Contact the Suppliers Directly
By now, you should have a good list of suppliers, with two or three catering equipment suppliers who appear to be better than the rest. Contact them and arrange a meeting. You can then use this meeting to test them for suitability.

At this stage, you should have all the information required to make a wise choice in terms of your chosen equipment supplier.

If you are looking to find a new catering supplier, then please get in touch at

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